so they really don’t mind owning replicas or fake ones. |
[ 2009-12-26 10:44:00 | By: klmn064 ] |
The basic reason behind this is that designer handbags they love to wear branded clothes and carry designer accessories. As they crave for designers, so they really don’t mind owning replicas or fake ones. According to Louis Vuitton handbags survey, most of the go for luxury brands, and still don’t bother if they have to buy knock offs. In a survey it is found that most of the girls and women are actually prone to buying fakes from wholesale stores. With the number of online retailers, purchasing faux bags at highly discounted prices has become much more easy and convenient. Fashion is the replica designer handbags only area where most of the China factory based manufacturer and wholesaler of original designed or designer inspired leather handbags and purses with high quality and trendy styles, at factory direct price through its online shop females think on the same grounds. And it is this particular group that cannot afford high price designer handbag. However, the brand wholesale handbags name is a status symbol in itself and knock offs are not a bad option when it comes to owning a bag. This is the chief reason as to why most of the people love faux bags and it is another good reason for the growth of this industry. 本日志相关的主题:
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