this is wholesale, |
[ 2009-12-26 18:49:00 | By: klmn064 ] |
A Legitimate Designer Handbag wholesale handbags Wholesaler sells authentic designer handbags! Period. No knock offs, etc. (I hope this one was pretty obvious!) Also, their handbags should always come with their authenticity cards/tags and dust covers. A Legitimate Designer Handbag Wholesaler wholesales handbags at 50-75% off retail, so you can make a profit! A Legitimate Designer Handbag Wholesaler will offer you a money-back guarantee on the authenticity of their handbags; after all, they should be able to make this guarantee, otherwise…what are they trying to hide?! A Legitimate Designer Handbag Wholesaler will not require that you pay an "account setup fee"—there should be no additional fees, other than the fee of the designer handbags merchandise itself and the shipping costs. A Legitimate Designer Handbag Wholesaler will require you to purchase a minimum quantity (folks, this is wholesale, after all), which can be as low as 5 handbags, unless they drop-ship directly to your customers (more on this later). 本日志相关的主题:
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