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one of the core competitiveness fitness shoes-ykvy
[ 2009-12-18 13:15:00 | By: efgh840 ]
Nike's marketing strategy and there is little unconventional, in many ways,fitness shoes, it followed for decades Adidas established a successful example: Stick technology leader, low-cost expansion, a unique corporate image recognition system, use of international Competition and the advertising effect of big names, such as product diversification. However,MBT shoes sale, this series is made of imitation Nike catch up. Nike, in 1962 by Phil? Knight initiative in Portland, USA, was named as the "Blue Ribbon Sports", the 20th century, 70s officially renamed the Nike. Since 1980, Nike from a product-oriented company gradually transformed into market-oriented company. Nike to implement a proactive marketing activities, signing top athletes, and created the "Just do it" slogan and its positioning in sports shoes with innovative technology, high-priced high-quality products. With a wealth of product types, as well as outstanding design in 2000 accounted for more than 39% of the U.S. athletic footwear market is almost twice the market share of Adidas. As Nike, one of the core competitiveness, marketing is not only advertising, and more by what kind of strategy to attract and retain customers. Nike marketing team used marketing strategy has always reflect public opinion. 80,90 In the 20th century's, Nike has invested heavily to recruit successful,MBT shoe, attractive well-known athletes for product endorsement. Such as Michael Jordan. Over the years, Nike has been using Jordan as such an image of professional athletes to play a spokesperson in order to attract male clients. Now, their spokesmen have a new goal - hip-hop. Nike has for fitness aerobic exercise, such as hip-hop female fans designed sexy shoes and sportswear. 相关的主题文章:
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