In the days before an |
[ 2009-12-21 16:38:00 | By: klmn064 ] |
In the days before an replica bags auction, the Artcurial exhibition rooms overlooking Paris's luxury shopping boulevard Avenue Montaigne turn into an Hermès curiosity shop. Mr. Pigot arranges the hundreds of items in displays—bags hanging from antlers, watches in glass cases, and a leather-trimmed bike propped up casually against the wall. Bags make up nearly two-thirds birkin bag of the collection. When he meets with a seller looking to create a little space in her closet, Mr. Pigot seeks unusual colors or skins. A potential buyer called in for a precise deion of the colors on a crocodile Kelly bag, which sold for Another one-of-a-kind item was a tote bag replica designer handbags made of horizontal strips of silk scarves in commemoration of a 2005 exhibition. Maelle Caravaca won the bidding ataround the middle of its estimate range. "I sometimes buy from the boutique, but the auction products are exceptional," said the student. 本日志相关的主题:
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