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Let "Legend" to successfully continue to survive
[ 2008-12-21 22:21:00 | By: bcde625 ]

Let "Legend" to successfully continue to survive

Can be said that "free", I let the Chinese players love to hate, love is not spending money gaming experience, hate is a crazy squeeze operator. Freeaion power leveling online games, whether it is free dinner, or spending trap?

Back to see us back in 2006. Shanda proposed to CSP (come-stay-pay) mode, to retain the player and make consumption of this model to "Legend" to successfully continue to survive, and finally the acquisition of luminous flux of the "Legend 3" after creating a legend in the world.

So, we should let the free of charge in the end, or regressing to collect the tolls?

Online games to do is to popularity, popularity relies on the people. Free of charge, it is like you go to an amusement park, tickets are not money, but each item must be the money, playing tired additional physical bread and water needs money, and a lot expensive than theAion powerleveling garden outside. The rich can play more of several projects, and even an item you repeat to play, play tired, you can buy two bottles of water, pour a bottle of drinking a bottle. Less money to play point, or even just go run a lap, take a look at the projects fun, running tired of boiled water to drink their own band,咱poor poor themselves happy.


  • 标签:Cheap aion kinah 
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