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prada shoes walking cheap nfl jerseys
[ 2009-12-24 13:18:00 | By: klmn064 ]
The November issue of French prada shoes Vogue included a 12-page story entitled "Fur Play" featuring the Brazilian supermodel Raquel Zimmermann in a flurry of fur and tribal-themed leopard print, and the trend has been enthusiastically embraced by the British high street. Several shoe chains, including Nine West and Dune, have in the recent past stocked boots lined with rabbit fur. And while real fur still remains beyond the price range of the average customer,cheap nfl jerseys, the look of fur has become increasingly sought after: convincing imitation jackets and stoles have sprouted up in Mango, H&M, Warehouse and Miss Selfridge. The Spanish high-street retailer Zara, meanwhile, has received criticism for trimming some items with real rabbit fur. Where once celebrities were wary of prada shoes walking out in a fur-trimmed jacket for fear of being drenched in red paint by animal rights activists, now there seems to be no such stigma. Keira Knightley recently attended an awards ceremony in a black karakul lambskin coat, and Jennifer Lopez has worn an array of mink and chinchilla at red-carpet events over the years. Madonna, Eva Longoria, Linda Evangelista,new nike air max, Kate Moss and Lindsay Lohan have all worn fur in public. 相关的主题文章:
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