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Grand expansion of impulse
[ 2008-12-23 17:16:00 | By: bcde625 ]

Grand expansion of impulse

In June this year, the Ministry of Culture issued a joint ministerial, management of virtual currency-related documents and halt the "free online games" mode, the long-criticized "open box" and other alleged gambling settings. September Buy aion kina28, Press and Publication Administration, State Copyright Bureau and the national "anti-pornography" Working Group Office jointly issued a circular, pre-approval of emphasis on online games and online games outside of the copyright owner authorizing the import of the sole jurisdiction of the examination and approval, and the review of foreign investment limit has been tightened scale.

"We are now more concerned about the future trends in regulatory policy," an online game company executives said that the version of Office, the Ministry of Culture have a high profile on the online games industry clean-up law to rectify the irregularities, "the future of multiple regulators are expected to increasingly stringent" .

"Indeed, a grand visionBuy aion kinah and ideas are often far ahead of them and we do not like long ago can not simply be defined with the online games business," Bo on the net at the weekend, the above executives told reporters lamented. The executives of the emotion, because of course Chen Tianqiao early set "network Disney's" concept in 2009 the sudden acceleration.


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