went on the block in February in what |
[ 2009-12-18 17:00:00 | By: jklm509 ] |
Bags disappeared moments replica bags after appearing on store shelves, and years-long waiting lists popped up for handbags that generally list for thousands of euros. Since the downturn, it has been easier to find some Birkins and Kellys at stores, but waiting lists remain for particular colors or skins. "These are objects with a soul, with a past. They're unique," said Artcurial's resident Hermès expert Cyril Pigot, ducking beneath a row of silk scarves replica designer handbags hanging from the walls of the gallery. He theorizes that women want their Kelly bags looking broken-in during a down economy so they don't seem as ostentatious. "It's much more chic to have a crocodile bag with a 20-year patina." Mr. Pigot, who sources items from wealthy families and estate sales, prices his items at about 50% to 60% off the original list price and hasn't lowered his estimates because of the economic crisis. Tax and commission add another 40% to the hammer price. Vintage items from other houses birkin bag such as Louis Vuitton, Goyard and Yves Saint Laurent are sold in themed auctions. Yves Saint Laurent's estate went on the block in February in what critics called "the sale of the century," but it was the deceased designer's art collection, not fashion items, that drew crowds. 本日志相关的主题:
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