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He’s good at wearing t-shirts too
[ 2009-12-15 14:36:00 | By: klmn199 ]

Ok,so I ran across a great, great, stupid business.This may be the dumbest thing I have ever heard of, but I respect it! It is a great idea, and shows you how many business types can work.
Jason Sadler created a website called www.IWearYourShirt.com.On the site, he promised to wear your promotional t-shirt all day long for a price.In 2009, he sold $85,000 of advertising!
Companies pay him to wear their shirt,Polo T-shirtshe blogs about it,posts pictures on facebook, and posts videos on YouTube. Today, he is wearing a shirt that says “bring the hope.”Looks like you
can make money doing anything.You stuck and cannot figure out your niche?Doesn’t this success story make you feel stupid? Makes me feel stupid! And makes me feel like the people that
buy his service are stupid too!Now, he is expanding.He has hired a friend, a guy,that like him, wears shirts well to copy him. Two guys wearing your shirt for advertising!He is sold out through August, 2010. I may pass out.
It reminds me of another business, the million pixel homepage.This entrepreneur sold a tiny pixel on his homepage for $1, but sold a million pixels.
Seriously,these businesses seem to be pointing to a trend. Micro-advertising.Instead of spending $750 on an ad in Yellow Pages, businesses are cash
strapped and seem to be willing to buy super cheap, but fun, ads.I have an idea for a business plan for anyone that wants to start a proven business in this space…..email me.


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