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Jordan shoes, how are Buchou Mai
[ 2009-12-20 20:17:00 | By: klmn199 ]
Beijing Dengshikou the roadside a jordan shoesmall shoe store, the city's buzzing. "It's really do not have large pairs of Carter's shoes it?" Disappointed with the child's mother asked, "really very sorry, but this SHOX not so large sections of black and red, and Otherwise you look at the blue and white section, or silver and black models? "said Miss shopping guide. Disappointed that the mother next to the disappointment of the child, when the other two pairs of "Carter" sent to his hand, he did not even look to see, his eyes staring at a wall of shoes, mouth kept muttering: "black and red, black Red section ......"
The child's mother said they were Asian, from Germany to Beijing to vacation, the children saw the shoe, life and death will not go away, be sure to buy a pair of fancy black and red basketball shoes shall only give up - who knows what a black and red shall also ask No oversized.
Suddenly a cry, frightened his mother and others. "Will it, should it, Mama, yes Jordan is Jordan!" Children because of some weird tone of excitement,jordan shoe so that everyone looked down the direction of his finger - a pair of "Jordan I on behalf of the" pride and everybody on the subject.
The child's feet, lying all alone and that two pairs of the poor "Carter."
"There!" Shoe store owner overjoyed, "which pairs 'Jordan' number of the most homogeneous, I give you Naqu!," And soon afterwards he had both hands and two out of shoe boxes from the warehouse. "You see, may be installed when the library installed wrong, black and red pair of SHOX really do have large models, you do not ......?"" Carter, to Jordan's." Whispered the child the mother said.
As a result, "Carter" continue to stay in the shoe rack on the same evening the boss said to re-inventory of the warehouse again, the cargo must be placed in the wrong place go. jordan shoeBecause - "Jordan shoes, how are Buchou Mai can be ......" Carter, owner of a wry smile Piao Liaopiao pair remain in the shoe rack on the black and red models," Carter. "
Really do not know how many people can feel reverence for Jordan?


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