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[ 2009-12-23 13:39:00 | By: klmn199 ]
You know what’s funny? In L.A., they don’t come. When I played the Garden,adobe acrobat 9 I got celebrities right and left. In L.A., none want to come. If they do, it’s like under a shroud of secrecy. Hollywood has an even worse sense of humor about itself than politicians. I love to make fun of Fox News and the Glenn Becks, but I have to say that I would probably be more welcome at Fox & Friends than I would be at a Hollywood party.

Jennifer Hudson and I were on an elevator together. She was on her BlackBerry so furiously that her body language was literally screaming, “Please don’t look at me.” It was all that I could do not to press the emergency button to trap her with me

Do you have close friends who you can relax around?

I saw them the other night. Sarah Silverman came over and her sister Laura and a couple Simpsons writers. That’s my kind of crowd, the comedy nerds. Like Dana Gould — nerdy dudes who still play Dungeons and Dragons

There’s a comment online about your “Suck it, Jesus” remark at the Emmys: “I guess immorality runs rampant in her family. Hell is going to bust wide open for her when she dies.”

My instinct is to then do an episode of the D-List with this woman and go to her hometown. And see what she says.

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