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If Google tried to pull this move last year,
[ 2009-12-25 11:32:00 | By: klmn199 ]
If Google tried to pull this move last year,

acrobat 9 professionalit would have not went over well. All the handset makers might not have backed Android if they knew Google was going to be competing against them. Now some of the largest handset companies have sold their soul to Google are committed to Android and it would be disastrous for them to retool their plans.

I’m all for competition, but it worries me how the Android operating system is being developed behind closed doors. Certain companies of the OHA obviously had preferred status and were allowed early access to Android 2.0 before everyone else. If Google brands their own phone, they will certainly have the upper hand when it comes to the latest versions of Android (most of the Android engineers have checks signed by Google).

All of the sudden, Google’s takeover of Gizmo5 is starting to make a lot more sense. Here is another hint: Qaulcomm Gobi.

I’m really curious to hear what our readers think. Is Google playing their hand too early? Will this piss off other companies? Would you purchase a Google Phone? What price point would you like to see the device sell for? What missing features do you want Google to add to their phone?


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